GoDigital Conference - Day 2: Steps to Twin Transition
On November 24 and 25, 2022, there was a GoDigital conference in Slovenia. It focused on the topic of the twin transition - how technology could support the green transition. Day 1 offered more theoretical knowledge with interesting talks, and panels, and Day 2 was full of ideas sharing, with a workshop and business case presentations.
“We should understand change not as a necessary evil, but as a necessary good.”
The practical workshop on Day 2 was moderated by the Circular Change team and if focused on the topic of twin transition - how technology could be used to support the transition to a circular economy.
Ladeja Godina Košir made an introduction in which she said that we should understand change not as a necessary evil, but as a necessary good and that we shall not fight against all different waves of crises (climate, energy, health, war...) but rather embrace them and focus on so much-needed innovative solutions to preserve life on planet Earth.
To empower individuals to make a green change, Meta Pezdir presented a PSLifestyle project and PSL tool - BETA version (questionnaire to calculate one’s carbon footprint). By understanding the carbon footprint data, participants were equipped to start making plans for improving their lifestyles to be more sustainable.
Ram Dušić Hren moderated the last and longest part of the workshop. He explained the 9R framework of circular economy (refuse, rethink, reduce, reuse, repair, refurbish, remanufacture, repurpose, recycle, recover), and presented a T-shirt case. The participants had to draw the lifecycle of the T-shirt, brainstorm how the cycle could be more circular, and think of how digital technologies could support the transition.
You could find out more about the conference at DIH website.