You can find a chapter on Circular Economy written by Ladeja Godina Kosir in each of the books above,
Steps Towards a Comprehensive Circular and Just Transition: Zasavje Circular Academy – How to Become the European Lighthouse of Change (2024). Developed by the Center for a Just Transition of Zasavje (CPPZ), in collaboration with Circular Change.
Edited by: Alexander, A.; Pascucci S., Charnley F. (2023). Handbook of the Circular Economy - Transitions and Transformation. De Gruyter. (One chapter written by Ladeja Godina Košir.)
Government of the Republic of Kosovo Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure and an expert team from Deloitte and Circular Change (2023): Circular Economy Roadmap of Kosovo. Supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Kosovo. LINK
Association CECOLAB (2022) - A contribution of Ladeja Godina Košir. A Knowledge & Science Global Agenda Towards Circular Economy. White Paper Phase 1/2022. LINK
Alibegović, A., Čorbo-Lindov, S., Godina Košir, L., Kamberović, S., Patorska, J., Segovia, M., Semić, M. (2022): Roadmap Towards the Circular Economy in Montenegro. Chamber of Economy Montenegro, UNDP. LINK
Godina Košir, L. (2022). Systemic Change Driven by Circular Change. In: Hill, S., Yagi, T., Yamash’ta, S. (eds) The Kyoto Post-COVID Manifesto For Global Economics. Creative Economy. Springer, Singapore. LINK
Godina Košir, L., Brunova, E., Van Eijk, F. (2022): The Power of Circular economy hubs 2021. ECESP Leadership group Network governance and Circular Economy Hubs - Reflection paper. LINK
Ladeja Godina Košir, Petra Künkel (2022): Collaborative Transformations: Circular Economy Strategies in Europe. LINK. In Petra Künkel, Kristin Vala Ragnarsdottir: Transformation Literacy - Pathways to Regenerative Civilizations. Springer. Download LINK.
Lavtizar V., Kos I., Godina Košir L., Bavcon Kralj M., Trebše P. (2021). A Transition Towards the Circular Economy in Slovenia. In Ghosh, S.K., Ghosh, S.K. (eds) Circular Economy: Recent Trends in Global Perspective . Springer, Singapore. LINK
Godina Košir, L. (2021): Part III, Capítulo 9 – Transição circular – “Desculpe, mas o que eu ganho com isso?”. In Luz, B.: ECONOMIA CIRCULAR - debate global, aprendizado brasileiro. Bambual, Brasil. Link
Godina Košir, L., Sakellaris, G., Popp, J., Zimniewska, M., Värnik, R. (2021). Bioeast Foresight Exercise - Sustainable Bioeconomies towards 2050. European Commission’s Horizon 2020 project Grant Agreement No. 862699, BIOEASTsUP. Download link.
Godina Košir, L., Korpar, N., Lah Poljak, E. (2020). Roadmaps Towards the Circular Economy. Monograph Sustainable Business in a Modern Society (pp 17-34). DOBA Business School: Maribor. Download link.
Godina Košir, L., Cutaia, L. (2019). Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform: the ECESP model. Energia, ambiente e innovazione 3/2019: Rome. Read article.
Korpar, N. (2019). The world must become more circular to reach it’s climate goals. Read article.
Godina Košir, L., Korpar, N., Potočnik, J. et al (2018). Roadmap Towards the Circular Economy in Slovenia. Ministry of the Environment and Spatiall Planning of Slovenia: Ljubljana. Download link.
Godina Košir, L. (2018). 5 Steps to help you lead the systemic Circular Change. Europa Info 4/2018: Vienna. Download link.
Godina Košir, L., Giacomelli, J. (2017). Introducing the Circular Triangle. Read article.
Korpar, N., Godina Košir, L. et al (2017). Na poti v krožno gospodarstvo: Pogled v regije Slovenije. Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor RS: Ljubljana. Download link.