Circular Talks and Events
As experienced and passionate communicators, we nourish circular narratives based on shared values and circular culture. We co-create and contribute with expert insights to numerous talks, events and conferences.
Ladeja Godina Košir, as a renowned international circular economy expert, author, speaker, moderator, participates and contributes to more than 50 international events each year, connecting with the global circular economy and sustainability leaders, expanding and nurturing the power of networks.
Circular Change provides expert input and information on various topics and aspects of the circular economy as well as promoting the exchange of knowledge and experience to create synergies in cross-sector and interdisciplinary dialogues. Concrete circular practices and experiences from the ground is what we bring to the “global stage”.
Between 2016 and 2020, Circular Change organized the biggest annual international Circular Change conference in the CEE, with more than 400 participants attending each year.
Circular Economy Roadmaps
We work with governments, regions, municipalities to co-create their own unique path towards the circular future and embrace systemic change.
We strongly believe that the network governance, in addition to public governance, is needed for a successful transition from linear to circular economy. As bipartisan transition brokers we are able to connect the dots, engage the relevant stakeholders, identify the opportunities and challenges and create a strategy with an actionable plan with everyone on board!
What we can offer you:
Co-creation, development and implementation of circular economy roadmaps on national or local level that encourage systemic change
Multistakeholder mapping and engagement, including co-creative workshops
Identification of priority sectors in which the circular economy can accelerate
Redaction of the documents, guidelines, policy drafting and recommendations
Communication strategy including partnering with various associations, bringing the circular economy to the top of the agenda
Cultivation of a circular narrative
We are proud authors, co-authors and contributors of several roadmaps and strategic circular economy documents in Europe and around the globe including: The Roadmap towards the circular economy in Slovenia, Circular Economy Roadmap of Serbia, Circular Economy Roadmap of Chile, Ljubljana circular city 2045, Circular Economy Roadmap of Montenegro, Circular Economy Roadmap of Kosovo (in progress).
Circular Economy Advisory
We support governments, businesses and other stakeholders in understanding the current state of circularity in specific sectors and in general, analyse and act upon opportunities and risks, and develop a joint vision to master their circular challenges.
With our extensive network of expert co-creators, we empower circular & systems thinking, covering different areas of circular economy: the sector specific expertise (e.g., bioeconomy, creative industries, tourism, waste-management, finance...). We also empower businesses to explore their circular economy potentials with the aim to create an actionable circular strategy and action plan.
We combine a strategic mindset, with deep system and data analysis, creative scenario modelling, business model innovation and insight into behavior change to create the real world impact our partners seek to deliver.
Contact us if you are looking for an expert input on:
Circular economy research, reports and scenario modelling
Strategic consulting in the field of circular economy business model innovation
Co-creation and implementation of your company’s “Circular Change Journey”
Development and implementation of communication strategies focused on circularity and behavior change
Sustainable and circular brand, product and service development
Stakeholder mapping, orchestration and circular collaboration
Staff and management training and coaching activities for circular frontrunners
Custom-made workshops for recognising circular potentials
Our expert contributions to the circular economy subject have been published in numerous recognized international publications and reports.
Circular Communication and Education
For complex circular transformation, mindset shift supported with right communication is the key. Clear. Understandable. Attractive. Engaging. Creative. For everyone. For a CEO. For a scientist. For a student. We inspire and sparkle communication that talks to and resonates with the target audience!
With our strong background in marketing and communication we are intertwining the circular narrative, culture and thinking to promote the new economy, circular lifestyle and more.
The first of its kind, the Circular Insider publication was featured as the circular economy publication during the Slovenian EU council presidency in 2021, reaching more than 100,000 viewers both online and live. In 2022 Circular Insider Austria followed and new partnerships are emerging.
We are bringing the topic of the circular economy to the universities and educational institutions, co-creating educational modules, programs (School of Business, Faculty of Economics Ljubljana, Doshisha University Kyoto, M3TRIX academy, etc.) and lectures, empowering the young professionals to adopt the circular thinking.
Circular Change can help you with:
Development and implementation of communication strategies focused on circularity
Sustainable and circular brand, product and service development
An interdisciplinary framework to establish collaborative and cross-sectoral international education and training programs on demand - from individual expertise to system change
Topical seminars and workshops
Company specific seminars and trainings
Leadership programs for executives for know-how and skills training
Circular Diplomacy and Stakeholder Engagement
We are stepping up outreach activities, including through the circular diplomacy and the trade missions to promote the circular economy objectives in European and global context.
Circular Change has been a coordination group member of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder platform since 2017, while Ladeja G. Košir was elected its Chair three times in a row. We are active members and members of the boards and councils at Holland Circular Hotspot, Austrian Circular Economy Forum, Nordic Circular Hotspot, Brazilian Exchange4Change, BIO East, Packaging Innovation Observatory and more. We also have strong international collaborations in the Western Balkans. In addition, we are collaborating with recognized think tanks such as Chatham House and The Ambrosetti House.
If connecting, networking, international cooperation, circular diplomacy, exploration of business partnerships, trade missions as opportunity for knowledge, experience and practices exchange, policy dialogues, stakeholder engagement at global, regional or national level in the context of the circular transition is what you need a partner for – we are here for you!
Circular partnerships in EU projects
Experienced. Collaborative. Creative. Communicative. Impact-driven. Circular Change has been a diligent consortium partner and WP leader in number of successful European (Horizon, Erasmus+, Interreg, etc.) projects since 2017.
Are you looking for a consortium partner or for an external advisor / consultant?
These are our areas of expertise and action:
Circular economy & bioeconomy
Systems & circular thinking
Value-based innovation
SDGs & sustainable lifestyle
Stakeholder engagement & network governance
Establishment of Circular economy hubs
Strategic communication and dissemination
Western Balkans – supporting the circular transition
Green growth & green jobs
Design of new circular economy educational models & programs
We are currently active in the following EU projects: Effective, PSLifestyle, IMPACT.