IV International Circular Economy Meeting: Circular economy, accelarating the future of sustainability


The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa’s Department of the Environment and Hydraulic Works organized the IV International Circular Economy Meeting: Circular economy, accelarating the future of sustainability, which took place in hybrid form on 2 February 2022 in San Sebastian, Gipuzkoa, Spain.

Since 2019, this gathering committed to high value-added content, has become a major platform driving the green economy, the creation of synergies and alliances, and implementing this transformation towards a clean and circular economic model, fairly and by integrating all stakeholders, including enterprises and citizens.

The fourth edition focused on helping to accelerate the future of sustainability and on showcasing initiatives undertaken at the European, national and local level with regard to some of the main strategies of the Circular Economy, such as the new plastics economy, bioeconomy and other aspects, as well as success stories from the regional business sphere, and the opportunities that entrepreneurship and investment in green companies can generate in the province and beyond.

International, national and regional experts were presenting in 5 thematic blocks:

  • Europe. Where we are and where we’re going

  • Challenges and opportunities of the new plastics economy

  • Women Action Sustainability – round table

  • The role of bioeconomy in the future of sustainability

  • Circular economy, business and innovation: success stories

Ladeja G. Košir contributed on the topic of bioeconomy, highlighting the EU frame for green recovery and the role of network governance within. She presented the circular bioeconomy principles in the context of EU policy, and focused on the specific cases of circular wood value chains in Slovenia, and innovative biobased materials developed under Horizon 2020 Effective project.

With more than 1200 participants online and over 200 present live, this successful event underpins the goals that Gipuzkoa has set for the Circular Economy, aiming to achieve a recycling rate of 70% by 2030, placing the province at the forefront as a European benchmark for Circular Economy models.

Circular Change