2nd Circular Change Conference Opens Doors


Today, the 2nd Circular Change Conference opens doors to over 500 participants at Ljubljana Castle Ljubljana, who will initiate a unique two-day journey through learning experiences and insights into the transformational challenges across different industries, arising from the transition to the circular economy. The second conference day is taking place in Maribor (Hotel Habakuk).

“Under the sponsorship of the Prime Minister of the Slovenian Government, Dr Miro Cerar, the 2nd International Circular Economy Conference is the perfect ground for selecting those “circular seeds” that can grow into sustainable solutions,” says the programme director Ladeja Godina Košir, Executive Director of Circular Change Platform before the beginning of the conference.

“Slovenia with the advantage of size (2 million population and the territory of 20.273 km²), though a significant economic complexity and privileged social cohesion, can offer itself as a pilot country for the deepest absorption of circular transition and become both a field of business opportunities and lessons to be learned and shared,” explains Godina Košir.

The conference participants, guided by over 30 speakers, internationally renowned leaders and co-creators of the circular transition will explore the systemic approach by tapping into circular economy platforms at local, urban, regional and international levels. They will learn about collaboration as a precondition for success in the context of circular business modelsand will dedicate to the evolution of circular cities.

First conference day in Ljubljana

The conference will begin with the panel consisted of some of the most outstanding protagonists who will bring up case studies from the successful circular business transformation.

These are: Matej Šuštaršič from the Institute for pulp and paper, Michele Posocco from FaviniMelanie Seier Larsen from BCG and Markus Laubscher of Philips.

The introductory keynote speaker is Christiaan Kraaijenhagen, a Dutch circular economy expert and the author of a book “Circular Business”, which offers a practical 10-step approach for professionals in small, medium-sized and large organisations on how to initiate, lead and execute a circular transformation from pilot to circular businesses.

Kraaijenhagen is the founder and innovation strategist at Innoboost. He believes that the best way to innovate is to improve your customer’s experience. “Our drive is to leave people and planet better than we found them.”

Iain Gulland, CEO of Zero Waste Scotland, the winner of the Circulars Awards 2017: “Scotland as a circular country”, will introduce the afternoon workshop session.

“We will engage into the new narrative through case studies as the most appropriate learning and knowledge-transfer method, together with accomplished circular pioneers. Last but not least, we will discuss the effects and opportunities deriving from the ongoing disruption of conventional business schemes, seeing new roles for public-private partnerships, procurement, taxation and financial institutions,” concludes Godina Košir.

2nd Circular Change Conference by the numbers

Over 30 circular economy thought leaders on the stage will guide more than 500 participants from 10 countries through the two-day programme, which is a result of partnerships with over 50international circular change makers.

The co-organiser of the second day, “Partnership for a green economy“, which is coordinated by State Secretary Tadej Slapnik at the Office of the Prime Minister of Slovenia, connects several ministries of the Slovenian Government with external stakeholders. Among others, there are also: Embassies of Italy and the Netherlands to Slovenia, ITA-Ice office in Ljubljana, AmChamSlovenia, The World Economic ForumEBRDPhilipsIntesa Sanpaolo BankThe Boston Consulting GroupThe Circular ValleySava InsurancePošta Slovenije and many others, who will engage in a 2-day dialogue, which will evolve across two Slovenian circular citiesLjubljana and Maribor, with both municipalities actively participating in the event’s programme.

The second day in Maribor

The highlight of the second day of the event is the awaited presentation of the Accelerating the Circular Economy Initiative by Attila Turos of The World Economic Forum. As a result of the partnership with this prestigious global business club, Slovenia is recognised as a partner and a reference country of this global initiative for the circular economy – PACE Hub Europe.

Circular Change