Circular Change at Holland Circular Economy Week


During the Holland Circular Economy Week event in The Netherlands, over 500 people from more than 20 countries with a mix of individuals ranging from NGO’s to institutions of knowledge attended the four-day event organized by the Holland Circular Hotspot foundation in collaboration with other institutions. On the first day, participants attended a welcome reception at the Peace Palace while second-day participants visited the Fokker Terminal to listen from industry experts and front runners including the architect Thomas Rau and the former Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende. On the third day, participants went on circular economy excursions to see circular business practices at work. On the final day of the event, two memoranda of understanding were signed including one with Circular Change. 

Circular Change, represented by Ladeja Godina Košir, took part in all the aforementioned activities, as well as, a panel that included multiple circular economy experts. The panel members were challenged with a series of questions about circular economy concepts, invited to share their successes and failures in life and the circular economy, and deliver their opinions regarding the circular economy. In addition, Ladeja participated, at the panel, in an interview about the transition from a linear to a circular economy. In regards to the visit from Circular Change, it was incredibly important to Slovene and Dutch relations for a few reasons. First, the visit was strongly supported by the Dutch ministries from both The Netherlands and the Slovene branch, and it simultaneously recognized the Dutch interest in collaborating with countries from Central and Eastern Europe. In addition, it was an important visit in regard to the business matchmaking that Circular Change is engaging with including Black Bear Carbon and Madaster

Most importantly, the Memorandum of Understanding which Circular Change signed includes the four other circular hotspots:  Zero Waste Scotland, Circular Norway, the Luxemburg Ministry of the Economy, and Holland Circular Hotspot. This agreement was designed to help continue and increase cooperation between the hotspots while accelerating the change from a linear to a circular economy at local and international levels. In addition, the memorandum utilizes company cooperation, so they can exchange knowledge and tools of a circular economy while encouraging other hotspots to join the initiative. 

If you would like to read more on the Holland Circular Economy Week, please click hereAnd to watch the video click here.