Circular Change - Regional Supporter for The Circulars 2018


Our circular economy network of partners is growing fast!

The Circulars, an initiative of the World Economic Forum and the Forum of Young Global Leaders, run in collaboration with Accenture Strategy, is the world’s premier circular economy award program. The award offers recognition to individuals and organizations across the globe that are making notable contributions to the circular economy in the private sector, public sector and society. The annual awards are hosted at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos.
As a proud supporter of this premier global circular economy award programme in 2017, this year, Circular Change has been invited to in become the competition’s regional partner.Our first goal is still to make sure that outstanding Slovenian circular companies are represented at the award ceremony in Davos, but this year, we also want to encourage inspiring circular initiatives from Central and South-eastern Europe to apply for the award.
Through our international projects, we keep meeting extraordinary people, enthusiastic circular pioneers, who work hard to develop circular thinking in their own countries. After Circular Change became a regional supporter of The Circulars 2018, we have invited some of our “sister-associations” to contribute to the promotion of the awards in the region. We are happy to announce that we have already received confirmations from organizations representing Croatia, Serbia, Austria, Hungary and Kosovo!

The latest list of partners in the regional initiative The Circulars led by Circular Change:

Circular Change