European Week of Regions and Cities


Registration has closed, but you can still register for side events.

Almost 5 000 regional and urban practitioners and experts have registered for the year’s biggest EU regional and urban policy event. Registration for #EURegionsWeek is now closed, but you can still sign up for some interesting side events – check out our dedicated side events section on our website.

Disaster Risk Management in European Regions

The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) invite you to their yearly policy event on 12 October, 14:30 to 17:00. This high-level event on disaster risk reduction at local and regional level in Europe will focus on how to reduce the number of affected people. Two panels will discuss the role of local and regional authorities in disaster prevention and the role of financial instruments for closing the gaps in disaster risk governance. Keynote speakers include CoR President Lambertz, Commissioner Crețu and Mr Glasser, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction.

More information and registration

Print your tailored programme of workshops and your registration barcode!

This week you will receive your personalised programme, listing all the workshops to which you have been accepted. The European Week’s secretariat will also email you your personalised barcode needed to collect your conference badge – please print and bring it along together with your valid ID Card.

Time to download your Event’s App

This week you will receive an invitation to download the ‘EU Week of Regions and Cities App’. Available at both GooglePlay and AppStore, this app will be a key tool during the #EURegionsWeek to consult the programme, check your list of workshops for which you have registered, consult publications and the venue map. You will be able to browse through lists of participants, identify key contacts, get in touch and exchange e-business cards thanks to integrated messaging and matchmaking features. In a number of interactive workshops you can also participate in live voting and polling activities. Download the ‘EU Week of Regions and Cities App’ and make the most of it!

More information

EURegionsweek Master Class: 30 researchers discuss cohesion policy and its future

From 8 to 12 October, 30 PhD students and early-career researchers from 17 EU Member States and two non-EU countries will attend the 5th EURegionsWeek Master Class.  Participants were selected from amongst over 100 applicants on the basis of their academic background and achievements. The objective of this unique format is to improve the understanding of EU cohesion policy and its research potential, whilst connecting young researchers. The Master Class will focus on EU Cohesion Policy implementation and debate on its future.

The EPRS – actively supporting the European Week of Regions and Cities

The European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) is delighted to be involved in this year’s European Week of Regions and Cities. As in previous years, the EPRS has published a compendium of briefings linked to some of this year’s major themes and will be present at a special information stand during the event. The EPRS will also be helping out at the Master Class for PhD students, organising a workshop on how the European Parliament uses research in its work, giving students the chance to interact directly with experts from the European Parliament.

EURegionsWeek online community – Make it yours!

The #EURegionsWeek online community is growing fast – over 800 experts, practitioners and others interested in EU regional and urban policy have already joined the network! Looking for inspiration, new ideas or new challenges, or for an expert in a specific area? Searching for partners or to join forces to advocate a specific issue? Send a message to the EURegionsWeek community on LinkedIn!

Help us improve the sustainability of the #EURegionsWeek!

Reducing and sorting waste is a top priority for the #EURegionsWeek. Since 2010, waste production during the European Week of Regions and Cities has been drastically reduced. In 2017, the #EURegionsWeek wants to reduce the distribution of print documents even more with the ambition to become a paperless event. We invite all partners to reduce print documents to minimum and all participants to join efforts for effective waste management. Posters at the European Committee of the Regions will guide participants and organisers on how to sort effectively.

Meet the organisers and support teams

Want to know ‘who does what’ and who are the people behind the overall organisation of the #EURegionsWeek? Check out our contact page on the #EURegionsWeek website, and come and say hello to us!

Tin and Iza