Have Coffee with ... Niko Korpar


Niko Korpar, a Marketing Manager at Circular Change is happy to share his mind on how to develop circular cities of the future without forgetting the younger generation. Join him in Circular café on Thursday, 16 November 2017.


Who is Niko Korpar?

Niko Korpar is a Marketing Manager at Circular Change where he works on national and international projects that develop the circular economy in the Central and Eastern European region.  But first and foremost, he tries to be an engaged and concerned young person.

His academic and professional path was not always straightforward and has led him through various countries – from Austria to Amsterdam to Indonesia, but his endeavours were always underpinned by a sense of urgency, due to the many environmental and social challenges that await the people of his generation. Solving them will inevitably be a collective task, which is why focusing on one’s individual body of work is unimportant.

Niko’s message is simple: we can all play a part. Being a young person and coming from a small country is not an excuse.

Why having coffee with Niko?

When Niko was asked to be one of the hosts of the coffee tables at the Eurocities Conference in Ljubljana, he agreed under one condition: to talk about himself as little as possible, but there is one more thing you should know about him: he is also a DJ and event organizer, dedicating his spare time to making events for the young people in his home city of Maribor.

Therefore, his coffee table will discuss a topic he feels is often forgotten when smart sustainable cities of the future are designed: engaging the youth, considering them as a partner in the policy-making process and understanding the imprint youth culture puts on modern cities.

All who will join Niko’s coffee table will be given a chance to share his mind on how to develop circular cities of the future without forgetting the younger generation, whose values, views and behaviours might not always be shared by today’s decision makers. Successful, creative and innovative cities, such as Amsterdam, are those that are letting the younger generation co-create its living environment. Is your city also doing that?

Tin and Iza