Slovenia Aims to Confirm Its Status of a Circular Economy Hotspot at the WEF Annual Meeting in Davos 2018


This year’s edition of the World Economy Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, taking place on January 23-26 2018, is a special one for Circular Change. Environmental topics will once again be in the spotlight, but this occasion will also be a celebration of our platform’s successes in the past year and of the progress, Slovenia has made towards becoming a circular economy lighthouse.

We have a Finalist in our ranks!

Director and Founder of Circular Change Ladeja Godina Košir is amongst the 6 Finalists for the Leadership award, part of The Circulars 2018 award programme, hosted by WEF, the Forum of Young Global Leaders and Accenture Strategy. The winner will be announced at a special event accompanying the Annual Meeting in Davos, on January 22nd at the World Food Programme Tent – Promenade 137. Other Finalists, chosen by the Jury, are Frans van Houten, CEO of Royal Philips, entrepreneur Adam Lowry, Rwanda’s Minister of Environment Vincent BirutaLisa Jennings, the Global VP of Head & Shoulders and the Sustainability Leader for P&G’s Hair Care Portfolio and Professor Aldo Ometto of the University of São Paulo (USP), Coordinator of the Research Group on Engineering and Life Cycle Management. 

Besides the Leadership category, winners will also be announced in several other categories including Dell’s People’s Choice Award where voting has been delegated to the public.


Prime Minister Miro Cerar to speak at the panel on the circular economy in Davos

WEF has already recognised Slovenia’s activities to foster the transition towards a circular economy. In 2017, Slovenia got the invitation to join WEF’s PACE initiative as a regional circular economy hub – a country in a perfect position to share its circular knowledge and practices with Eastern and South-eastern Europe. 

This year, Slovenia’s commitment to become a circular frontrunner will be strengthened due to the visit of Prime Minister Miro Cerar, who will participate in one of the panels focusing on the role of global leadership for developing circular initiatives. This is a special honor, but not a surprise to Circular Change: our 2nd International Conference was sponsored by Miro Cerar, who took an active role at the event.  Our current project Roadmap: Towards a Circular Economy in Slovenia was first unveiled to the public at the Celje International Trade Fair, where the Prime Minister expressed his support for the project, calling the circular transformation »a civilization norm«. 

Make sure to follow our and WEF’s website and social media channels for updates, news, and insights from Davos.

Tin and Iza