The EU Unveils New Circular Economy Monitoring Framework


8 March 2018, Brussels - Circular Change as a Member of Monitoring Group


In the diverse field of circular economy, the need for a widely accepted and sensible set of indicators to monitor the transition from linear to circular economy is gaining attention. Despite the abundance of high quality indicators developed by researchers and companies, the new Circular Economy Monitoring Framework by the European Commission may be the one with the highest potential to become a standard for monitoring the circular transition on the national levels, as all Member States will be obliged to begin gathering the data once the Framework is adopted.

The monitoring group of the European Economic and Social Committee (including CC’s founder Ladeja Godina Košir as an expert) convened in Brussels on 8 March to share views on the draft version of the Circular Economy Monitoring Framework. The proposal now includes 10 indicators, covering waste management, secondary raw materials as well as production and consumption.

The monitoring group exposed the need for clearer connectivity with SDG’s, proposed more focus to activities that maintain value and do not generate waste (sustainable production and consumption) as well as the need to include indicators for eco-design in products and processes.

The topic will be discussed also at the 3rd Circular Change Conference in Maribor, 11 May in panel discussions and in a workshop, dedicated to circular metrics and indicators.

Follow the link to download the draft version of the Circular Economy Monitoring Framework.