GPP2ADRION: Fostering the adoption and implementation of GPP procedures to promote a transition towards a circular economy


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Reference programme

Interreg IPA ADRION Interreg IPA ADRION Programme

Programme priority: Supporting a greener and climate resilient Adriatic -Ionian region

Specific objective: SO 2.2: Supporting circular economy development in the Adriatic - Ionian region


Duration: 36 months , dal 01/09/2024 al 31/08/2027

Total project value: €1,179,260.50

Total co-financing value: €1,002,371.42 (ERDF)


GGP2ADRION Project summary

GPP2ADRION aims to promote the adoption of Green Public Procurement (GPP) in the EUSAIR regions to overcome the barriers that hamper the transition towards circular economy. The European Commission (EC), in its guidance “Public procurement for a circular economy” (2017), states that the adoption of GPP, a process whereby public authorities seek to procure goods, services and works with a reduced environmental impact throughout their life cycle, is needed to achieve EU environmental and circular economy (CE) targets. With a focus on EUSAIR regions, the EC according to the outcomes of “EUSAIR bringing the Green Deal to the region”, stated that to leverage the adoption of GPP, capacity building programs are needed specifically for non-EU-Countries. Therefore, the project will develop macro-regional solutions that will provide a common knowledge base within EUSAIR countries and boost the demand and offer of CE products and services. These can be achieved only through a transnational approach that will align different countries on the same GPP level of knowledge. The project will start from the definition of an effective capacity building package for the qualifications of GPP Ambassadors (regional experts on the topic), the creation of GPP regional Contact Points (to support Public Bodies and Policy Makers, including SMES in implementing GPP procedures) and a Transnational Network that will be established from PPs that will act as the overall guidance to further boost the application of GPP for CE on a common EUSAIR ground. On the annual EUSAIR Forum the Transnational Network will be launched and opened to Public Bodies and Policy Makers of the ADRION countries. This will set the ground for the adoption of a transnational plan for the diffusion of GPP in Public Bodies and Policy Makers. Public bodies and Policy Makers will directly benefit from project outcomes and will create a higher demand for circular economy products and services. Also, SMEs will benefit by implementing GPP criteria to innovate their offer of product and services.


Project activities

WP1: Setting up of a benchmark & gap analysis on GPP procedures in the countries involved in the project

WP2: GPP knowledge & best practice exchange network and related services for the PA & Policy Makers

WP3: Transnational GPP post project replication actions and plan



University of Padua LP Università di Padova

Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce Home - Forum AIC

Chamber of Economy of Montenegro Home Page - Privredna komora Crne Gore

Region of western Greece

Circular Change, Institute for circular economy

Institute of Social Sciences Homepage - ISS

Chamber of Economy of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina GPP2ADRION – Privredna/Gospodarska komora FBiH

Business & Innovation Center

Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism Ministry of Economic Development

Circular Change role in the project

Circular Change leads and coordinates the entire Work Package 1 of the project. It prepares guidelines and instructions for all partners to facilitate their work in participating countries related to the:

  • State of the Art of Public Procurement procedures and GPP procedures in the regions for circular economy;

  • Benchmark Analysis Report;

  • Identification of gaps and barriers for GPP for circular economy implementation in the regions;

  • Gap Analysis Report.

These tasks include:

  • Developing a common model for stakeholders identification and engagement, including instructions for partners in participating countries ;

  • Reviewing minimum standards for green and circular public procurement;

  • Developing the stakeholder questionnaire and instructions for conducting interviews with stakeholders to recognize the state of the art as well barries, gaps and potentials;

  • Preparing guidelines for drafting summaries and findings of stakeholders engagement;

  • Providing instructions for preparing reports and delivering Work Package results including potentials for introducing, fostering and adopting GPP and circular public procurement.

Circular Change develops and implements all project activities in Slovenia as a participating countries, including networking as well as communication and dissemination of project activities and resutls. Additionally, Circular Change will also support the project results by expanding its activities and results across a broad international network.

Circular Change