Funseam and Repsol Foundation (Spain) are launching I Cycle of Conference on Circular Economy
The first Cycle will focus on economic opportunities associated with the transformation of our productive model towards a more sustainable one.
There are many projects and business initiatives that exemplify the enormous potential of the Circular Economy to reconcile the objectives of the economic growth and that fight against climate change. Fleeing from a theoretical approach based on business realities that are already successful, the enormous opportunities arising from the Circular Economy will be highlighted at the conference. Funseam the Repsol Foundation - institutions of reference in the field of the economy of the energy sector, are empowering a new narrative of Circular Culture, aa more than 20 years expert in communications on economic and societal transformation across the Adriatic region.
At the conference, Ladeja Godina Košir will share good practices and expertise from the perspective of both - Circular Change and ECESP. Learn more about it HERE.