The scope of the workshop is to raise awareness among firms of the opportunities related to the digitalization and circular economy with testimonials, examples, advices, peer exchanges and matchmaking with solution providers.
In two round tables during the first part of the workshop, companies, support organizations and policymakers will discuss the advantages and challenges to make the transition towards digitalization and circular economy.
In the second part, testimonials of this transition and service providers in the manufacturing, agri-food, and construction sectors will share their experience with participant SMEs to create new collaborations and innovation opportunities. A room will be dedicated to assessment tools with successful cases and practical examples.
More information and registration:
13.30 - 14.00 Welcome - Regione Lombardia, Sylvain Guetaz and Luca Mion - EUSALP AG2
14.00 - 14.20 Keynote speaker – Janez Potočnik, former EU commissionaire
14.20 - 15.20 1st workshop: Successful business cases - Sartori Ambiente, 3bee, Plastika Skaza, company from Auvergne Rhone Alpes
15.30 - 16.30 2nd workshop with Ladeja G. Košir: Case studies on policy to support the implementation of ICT technologies for circular economy - Circular4.0, Digital for Eco-Industry, Hub Innovazione Trentino, Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia, Željko Pazin
After the break the workshop continues in separated rooms:
R1 Manufacturing
R2 Agritech/food
R3 Building
R4 assessmemt