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Retail 5.0 Community: The role of Specialized Retail at Italian and European level: which levers to unfold the full potential of this strategic value chain


Retail 5.0 Community by The European House - Ambrosetti, organizes a hybrid meeting, hosted by EuroCommerce on The role of Specialized Retail at Italian and European level: which levers to unfold the full potential of this strategic value chan.

Key issues for the discussion:

— In Italy, the extended value chain of Specialized Retail has a higher economic and social relevance for the Country than it is actually perceived. Considering the extended supply chain of Specialized Retail, the sector involves 3 different 2-digit Ateco codes and 26 4-digit sub-codes and it is characterized by a high heterogeneity of products and dimensions (from small shops to large shopping malls). Overall, about 213.4 billion Euros, 14.2% of Italian GDP, is sustained by the extended supply chain of Specialized Retail.

— The Specialized Retail has a fundamental role in the implementation of a Circular Economy model since it represents the connection point that links production and consumption. To this regard, some recent regulatory developments have fostered the transition towards a circular paradigm within the Retail sector, establishing a culture of repair and reuse (e.g. Repairability Index in France).

— The sector is currently characterized by a limited political recognition in Italy: there has never been a Ministry dedicated to Retail and Commerce, contrary to what happens in other countries (e.g. France, UK, United States, etc.).

— To unfold the full potential of the Specialized Retail value chain, it is necessary to define a systemic intervention at the national and European level, working on the main obstacles and enhancing the accelerator factors for the development and recognition of the extended Specialized Retail supply chain, also leveraging on the contribution of all the actors involved.

— At the European level, some progresses have been made in recent months. The European Parliament has recently approved the Digital Service Act, with the aim of ensuring a safe, competitive and responsible online environment, allowing to regulate digital services and favoring the development of a more competitive and transparent ecosystem. At the same time, the recent Pricing Indication Directive, which requires retailers to inform consumers about the price prior to the discount, goes in the direction to facilitate a competitive environment and improve consumer protection. These initiatives can further strengthen the role of Specialized Retail and overcome competitive asymmetries existing between online platforms and physical Retailers, promoting a omnichannel approach.


Chair: Valerio De Molli, Managing Partner & CEO, The European House - Ambrosetti

2:30 – 2:50 The role of Specialized Retail at Italian and European level: which levers to unfold the full potential of this strategic value chain Valerio De Molli, Managing Partner & CEO, The European House - Ambrosetti Benedetta Brioschi, Head of Food&Retail and Project Leader of Retail 5.0 Community, The European House - Ambrosetti

2:50 – 5:25 Round table discussion Debate with participants

5:25 – 5:30 Closing remarks