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We have it! The date for the next Circular Change Conference, of course. It is going to take place between 16th and 17th May 2019. Do not forget to SAVE THE DATE and join us at the most circular event in beautiful sLOVEnia. The topic: On the ground –  everyday challenges of circular companies.

Our ambition is to move forward ”less talk, more action”. We are inviting you to explore what is actually happening ”on the ground”. We all know what must be done for switching from a linear to the circular economy. We have excellent reports and data, as well as guidelines for much needed solutions. We have agreed on the sustainable development approach, based on SDGs, that is taking in account environmental, economic and social dimensions. What we need now is concrete action, radical collaboration and scalable success stories.

The 4th Circular Change Conference is focusing on 4 business cases from 4 priority sectors defined in the Roadmap Towards the Circular Economy in Slovenia – FOOD SYSTEM, MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES, MOBILITY AND FOREST-BASED VALUE CHAINS, challenged from the perspective of creative industries.

Are you curious how circular changemakers circulated at the last year’s CC conference? Check our photo album and video.