Supporting Green Recovery AlLiance – the time for green and fair transition is NOW
On 14 April 2020 an informal alliance has been launched in the European Parliament on the back of calls from 12 EU environment ministers who have signed an appeal for a green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to the 79 MEPs from across the political spectrum, the alliance also brings together civil society groups, including 37 CEOs, 28 business associations, the European trade union confederation, 7 NGOs and 6 think tanks.
Circular Change is engaged in the initiative on EU level as well as in Slovenia. In Brussels, ECESP Coordination Group shares its views on the Green Recovery Aliance: “The Coordination Group of the ECESP notes with interest the Call for mobilisation for a Green Recovery to reboot and reboost our economies for a sustainable future. With most of us already having signed on, there is no question that the recovery needs to be combined with the European Green Deal. The question is how to do so.”
In Slovenia, Circular Change was one of the first signatories of the Green Recovery Aliance powered by CER.
In this difficult situation caused by COVID-19, we are facing yet another crisis called: climate change and natural degradation. Therefore, we are challenged to rethink our society & economy and develop a new model of prosperity - more resilient, more protective, more sovereign, and more inclusive.
All these requirements lie in an economy built around green, sustainable, circular principles. The transition to a climate-neutral economy, the protection of biodiversity, and the transformation of agri-food systems, indeed have the potential to rapidly deliver jobs, growth and improve the way of life of all citizens worldwide. Hence, we consider that we need to prepare Europe for the future, by designing recovery plans at the local, national and at the EU level, putting the activities related to climate change as the core of the economic strategy.
At the national level, Slovenia and CER calls on economic leaders, financial leaders, and other stakeholders to join the national alliance for a green, smart and technologically advanced Slovenia in order to a create a strong coordinated economic response.
Therefore, with the Green Recovery initiative we want to encourage:
that the third package of measures is aimed at the Green Recovery of the economy
that the national alliance shifts towards a green, smart and technologically advanced Slovenia
that the national alliance manifests its support for the European Green Deal and CEAP
that for Slovenian Presidency in EU Council a systemic approach, as well as clear and strong agenda is adopted
This combination of bottom-up and top-down approaches is a big opportunity for Slovenia, and it can ensure Slovenian recovery towards a green, circular, sustainable economy and thus lead to the development of a healthy society. This is also a significant message for the EU Council Presidency which will take place in 2021, where the circular economy is one of the priorities.
For initiatives, such as the European Green Deal and Circular Economy Action Plan to continue to be widely accepted, they more than ever have to respond to the social needs of our society. Progress has been made in identifying the potential social challenges of the transition, and tools have been and will be further developed to ensure a fair transition.