International Virtual Event: Global Smart Villages


“Smart villages are the backbone of Smart cities: fresh water, quality food, crafts and nature. It is our obligation to encourage their smart, green, inclusive, safe development.”

Ladeja G. Košir was a special guest at the international virtual event: Global Smart Villages organised by DOBA Business School June 3rd.

The concept of smart villages is a new concept within the realm of EU policy making, which emerged in the desire to strengthen rural areas through the use of digital technologies and innovations.

At its plenary session in March 2021, the European Parliament discussed the long-term vision for rural areas, which is being prepared by the European Commission, emphasising that the EU should holistically address the development of rural areas.

The international virtual event on Global Smart Villages addressed the fields of digitalisation, sustainable models and smart solutions for living and working in rural areas, smart farms, energy, green policies, mobility, and social services in rural areas in relation to smart villages.


How can smart villages contribute to improving the quality of life of the population? What are the challenges of ensuring a holistic development of smart villages? What does the holistic development of smart villages mean? What are the advantages and opportunities of smart villages compared to smart cities? What are the best practice examples of smart villages at home and across the globe?

The event brought together different experiences from the world and Slovenia. Among the speakers were Viotela Bulc, ex-Eu commissioner and Curator of Ecocivilisation, Franc Bogovič, Member of the European Parliament, one of the founding fathers of the concept Smart Villages, Ladeja Košir Godina, Founder and Executive Director at Circular Change / Chair ECESP and Alisa Tiganj, assistant to Deputy Director General, DG AGRI.


Circular Change