Circular Europe Days - presenting Europe’s circular economy at the World Expo in Dubai


The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, a joint initiative of the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee, hosted the Circular Europe Days event at the Expo 2020 Dubai on 17-18 January 2022. Stepping into the global arena, the event showed Europe’s willingness to foster international cooperation, especially in a time of post-pandemic awareness and recovery.

The event showcased Europe’s work for the transition to the circular economy and how it brings together stakeholders from across different sectors. The Circular Europe Days hosted eight events across the national pavilions of the Netherlands, Slovenia, Ireland, Poland and Finland.

On the 17th of January, The Netherlands hosted the official opening session for the Circular Europe Days: The power of European circular networks.

The opening session highlighted the necessity of collaboration for circular transformation. Co-chairs Ladeja Godina Košir (Circular Change) and Freek van Eijk (Holland Circular Hotspot) guided participants through the role of network governance and circular hubs in the EU’s circular transition.

Martijn Lopes Cardozo, Circle Economy CEO, presented the journey towards the Circularity Gap Report 2022  and how circularity can unite businesses worldwide and inspire action towards a sustainable and inclusive future.

Professor Jacqueline Cramer, presented the international lessons learned in her book on “Building a Circular Future: Ten Takeaways for Global Changemakers.”

During a panelist round, The European Commission and States Representatives explored collaborative circular actions and opportunities post COVID-19, the impact of these hubs on the ground, giving cases, and sharing experiences.

Session: Sustainable living and wood – Fit fot 55

The EU “Fit for 55” package demonstrates the EU’s continued commitment to sustainable biomass with an increase of the renewable energy targets, climate neutrality for land use, forestry and the agriculture sector and creation of a nature-positive economy that protects and restores degraded ecosystems. Unlocking the full potential of sustainable biomass, forestry, and wood industry for 2030 and beyond is dependent on decisions made today.
The business forum Sustainable living and wood – Fit fot 55, hosted by the »Green. Creative. Smart.« pavilion of Slovenia on January 17th in the afternoon, focused on the crucial role of the wood sector, green technologies, design, construction in sustainable development and circular economy. The event was moderated by Ladeja G. Košir, co-chair of ECESP and founder of Circular Change.

The opening included the welcome addresses from the high representatives of the Republic of Slovenia, including the Minister of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia Simona Kustec, Ph.D., Andrej Čuš, State Secretary, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia and Anton Harej, State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food.

Minister Kustec presented the role of innovation and education for a successful circular transition, the potentials Slovenia has to contribute to the targets of the European Green Deal, focusing on the knowledge exchange and joined development of new educational programs needed for the future – encouraging creativity, design, green solutions.

Kestutis Sadauskas, Director DG ENV, European Commission, delivered an encouraging message with a brief overview of the EU "Fit for 55" package with a link to the EU Forest Strategy (July 2021), opportunities for forestry & wood industry in the EU, focusing on CEE countries and their competitive advantages and european enablers for the sustainable & circular transformation of the wood industry.

Prof. Dr. Miha Humar, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty took us on an exciting journey introducing the circular economy practices, future trends and perspectives in the wood industry with the focus on Slovenia.

The panel discussion "Wood, design, construction" followed with the opening message by Franc Bogovič, Member of the European Parliament. Key takeaways from the panelists:

»Ideas are the oil of the 21st century«, Jure Kotnik, architect
»We need to invest in people – skills and human capital.« Barbara Šubic, M Sora Company

»Building with wood is only sustainable if the whole value chain adopts principles of smart, circular and modular design and construction.« Prof. dr. Jacqueline Cramer, Utrecht Sustainability Institute at Utrecht University, Holland Circular Hotspot and Freek Van Eijk, Holland Circular Hotspot.

Program continued with the introduction of Slovenian business representatives by Bernard Likar of the Wood cluster, including their promo materials and key messages and was leading the participants to more relaxed moderated business networking and matchmaking – onsite and online with the support of Enterprise Europe Network.

We invite you to watch all 8 sessions of the Circular Europe Days in Dubai, including Circular Opportunities in Building and Infrastructure, Making circularity work for cities and regions, Enabling circular electronics: skills for cities, business and consumers, Future of bioeconomy in the circular economy transition, Circular taxation and circular procurement as driver for the circular economy, Collaborating and innovating to accelarate circularity.

Circular Change