Corporate Governance Conference 2022
On November 11, 2022, the Corporate Governance Conference 2022 took place in Ljubljana, where invited experts discussed current issues of the future. This year, two core topics were discussed: Sustainable business and climate risk management and Overcoming the paradox of managerial competencies.
In the first part, which was aimed at increasing knowledge and competencies for climate risk management, experts with many years of practical experience in sustainable business shared their knowledge. Among others, Mojca Markizeti, Karina Litvack, mag. Irena Prijović and Barbara Uranjek.
The founder and director of Circular Change and co-chair of ECESP mag. Ladeja Godina Košir moderated the panel discussion on the challenges of the green transition for companies and how to overcome them - the role of supervisory boards. The panel consisted of Tomaž Orešič, a member of the supervisory board of Elektro Maribor d.o.o. and procurator at Resalta d.o.o.; Gorazd Podbevšek, president of ZNS; and mag. Alenka Recelj Mercina, sustainable development coordinator at NLB d.d.
You are invited to read a detailed report to learn more about the event.
Photo: Združenje nadzornikov Slovenije