Chatham House Circular Economy Conference 2022


The third annual Chatham House Circular Economy Conference in February 2022, hosted three sessions, focusing on global circular economy developments, trade frameworks, and metrics and indicators for circular businesses and financial regulation. Bringing together circular economy leaders from policy, business, academia and civil society across the emerging economies and the developed world with the aim to identify best practices, initiatives and existing alliances that can help to build the pathways for achieving this vision.

The latest developments in the field, the shortcomings of the domestic approach and global collaboration were discussed:

Session 1: How are countries engaging on circular economy matters in international diplomacy? We heard from the new Global Alliance on Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency (GACERE), among others.
Session 2: How do we need to reshape the system for international trade so that barriers to circularity are removed and all countries benefit from the transition?
Session 3: How can we accelerate the global circular economy transition through better circular metrics and policies to redirect capital flows?

In her inspiring keynote speech, Ladeja Godina Košir touched on the lessons learnt from these turbulent times - how we are re-thinking the economy with the need of operating within the planetary boundaries, the importance of systemic thinking and true global collaborations in the circular transition. She highlighted that the circular solutions and lifestyle must be accessible, affordable and desirable for everyone.

The conference built on previous and ongoing research by Chatham House, and others, to drive forward an inclusive circular economy agenda and promote a just transition from linear to circular economic models.

Find the full agenda, speakers and the list of research articles here.

Circular Change