Would you like to become a changemaker co-creating a good life for all? Living Lab Ljubljana starting in May!


Few topics connect us as much as the aspiration for a good and happy life. Nowadays, the concept of good life is broadening to cover our impact on the environment. This understanding of living well within the environmental boundaries does not mean giving up our standards of living. Instead, it creates the win-win of identifying the connection between our personal and planetary well-being.

The PSLifestyle project Living Lab in Ljubljana will co-create and shape visions of good life, within environmental boundaries as well as design solutions for making such visions reality

 Throughout six meetings, between May 2022 and March 2023, together with other community members, you will have the opportunity to: 

  • speak about challenges you face in Slovenia in general and while pursuing a more sustainable living throughout 4 key areas such as food, mobility, housing and general consumption;

  • design together solutions and every day actions that address those challenges and increase our share of sustainable living; 

  • talk about barriers that could make the implementation of those solutions difficult and on opportunities that could speed up their wider roll out; as well as

  • think of recommendations of social, economic, political and other nature addressing key actors such as policy, business that could support making the jointly shaped visions of good life, within environmental boundaries a reality.

Besides co-defining visions of good life in Slovenia, our exchanges will directly contribute to the creation of the PSLifestyle tool – an online tool that helps us become aware of our environmental impact and supports making changes to our day-to-day behaviours. The participants will have the chance co-design the features and functionalities of the PSLifestyle tool, too.

Our joint meetings will give us the opportunity to socialize over a great (vegetarian! 😊) lunch and base our discussions as much as possible on our reality while being practical, inclusive, respectful and of course fun! 

Do you find this exciting and already have some ideas of change in mind? Would you like to expand your social network? Then join us and together we can shape a better future for all of us! 

The PSLifestyle Living Labs are part of the EU funded project PSLifestyle – ‘Co-creating a positive and sustainable lifestyle tool with and for European citizens’. Circular Change in collaboration with the Municipality of Ljubljana, are among the 16 European partners delivering the project. 

Circular Change