The Deep Demonstration methodology by EIT Climate-KIC


EIT Climate-KIC and the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MOP) organized a multistakeholder workshop “Application of the Deep Demonstration methodology” on 18 May 2022 as part of the Deep Demonstration of a Circular, Regenerative and Low Carbon economy in Slovenia. The main goal of the session was to understand how the Deep Demonstration methodology works in practice and why it is needed for the transition.

The Government of Slovenia has articulated its ambitious and inspiring aim to become the world’s first fully circular national economy. EIT Climate-KIC Deep Demonstration and its systemic approach helps to achieve this goal by activating a coordinated portfolio of innovation actions that will tackle production and waste flows across key economic systems and selected value chains, establishing the foundations for a sustainable future and providing knowledge transfer to empower the next generation of environmental leaders.

Dr. Kirsten Dunlop, CEO of EIT Climate-KIC, lead us through the workshop with her empowering vision, inspiring thoughts and practical actions towards carbon-neutral, prosperous and smart future through implementation of the Deep Demonstration on the ground.

“We can’t do things the same way and measure success the same way and expect a 1.5 degree world,” says Dr Kirsten Dunlop. »Slovenia has all the potential to become a European leader in harnessing the transformative power of circularity to decarbonise its economy and transform communities while promoting wellbeing and prosperity for all Slovenes for decades to come. The innovation we really need right now is systems innovation.

To implement the Deep Demonstration in Slovenia, 3 pillars and a total of 17 interconnected (sub)programmes have been defined – 9 falling under the 3 pillars, while the rest are horizontal and run across all the pillars. The integrated portfolio includes ongoing, established programmes, fostering cooperation between them to build systemic solutions. Calls for proposals and tenders take place to invite various stakeholders to submit projects and participate.

The transformation of the economy unfolds across 6 key circular value chains: All industries, Forestry-based industries, Circular Buildings, Mobility, Manufacturing and Food.

The implementation of the Deep Demonstration in Slovenia takes place from 2021 to 2025.

Circular Change is collaborating closely with the Slovenian Climate KIC team and contributing to the activities in Deep demonstration, Slovenian Centre for Smart & Circular Transition and other activities foreseen in the Slovenian transition towards the carbon-neutral circular economy.

Circular Change