In the run-up to the Stockholm+ 50 UN Conference, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) has convened a series of international online workshops and stakeholder consultations on the opportunities to elevate the circular economy to advance global development and environmental goals. The aim was to identify initiatives and approaches which have potential to significantly advance the transition to a circular economy globally and help it gain a stronger foothold through enhanced international cooperation.

The invited guests and speakers at One Planet Network Forum: A GLOBAL ROADMAP FOR AN INCLUSIVE CIRCULAR ECONOMY discussed among other aspects also how to make CE work on global scale, how to address the global south in an inclusive and transparent way.

Based on Chatham House’s research on the circular economy, and the suggestions and feedback received in the workshops and bilateral conversations, the framework of a global roadmap process  was developed and was presented by Dr. Patrick Schroder, Chatham House. The framework covers 5 areas: SDGs (12 at the core), collective action, shared vision, knowledge exchange, global value chains and material flows.

Ladeja G. Košir, Circular Change and ECESP, was one of the invited panellist and contributors at the expert forum dedicated to the global roadmap process for an inclusive circular economy. She highlighted the role of global actors and alliances – GACERE,  Circular Step, ECESP – uniting the top down and bottom up approach, to plug in and help scale up circular economy transition on a global scale. She pointed out the region of Western Balkans to be the right next territory to embrace the circular economy to increase resiliance and to address possible resource scarcity.

Circular Change