Circular Hubs in turbulent times: From confusion to 'circular manifesto'


Circular Hubs in turbulent times: More Confusion than conclusion?

In January, the PlugNPlayCE consortium, comprised of circular economy hubs, research centers, and universities, collaborated with EURADA to organize an event on the circular and digital transition. The event's purpose was to identify gaps and overlaps between the Circular Hubs, European Digital Innovation Hubs, and Hubs for Circularity, showcase their achievements, and find ideas for future collaboration.

The main conclusion of the event was that there is ‘more confusion than conclusion’. As one of the possible solutions to connect hubs and to catalyze the twin transition, the concept of ‘circular diplomacy’ was introduced.

Embracing the concept of circular diplomacy

Circular hubs around the EU are isolated and circular diplomacy is one of the possible solutions. The role of circular diplomats is to align strategies and action plans, share best practices, and support each other in all ways possible. Moreover, circular diplomats collaborate tightly with EU institutions and help them form new policies and measures.

As we move into the spring season, we at Circular Change are fully embracing the concept of circular diplomacy.  This concept that emerged as a result of over seven years of dedicated work in the field of circular economy by our team. We have collaborated with numerous stakeholders in different countries to co-create national circular economy roadmaps and have contributed to more than 500 events across the globe. Our experience of chairing the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform in Brussels for six years provided valuable insights into the work of organizations focused on circular transformation.

An inspiring keynote or a circular manifesto

Recognizing the importance of knowledge transfer and the value of our network, we proposed the concept of circular diplomacy at the annual ECESP conference in Brussels in February 2023. We believe that by promoting circular diplomacy, we can facilitate the exchange of best practices, build stronger partnerships, and foster innovation in the circular economy. At that meeting, we discovered our "circular manifesto" - an inspiring keynote address from former EU commissioner and co-chair of the IRP, as well as the Chair of the Honorary Board of Circular Change - Dr. Janez Potočnik (Read it here).

What now?

Our activities continue, including active engagement in the process of the Global roadmap for an inclusive circular economy initiative led by Chatham House. This initiative seeks to advance the circular economy agenda and build stronger partnerships across the globe.

At Circular Change, we are putting circular diplomacy at the heart of our purpose, and we are excited to share some of our circular achievements and insights. Follow us on our LinkedIn and read our news to stay up to date with our activities.

If you are interested in more about Circular Diplomacy, read our newest article THESE ARE 5 REASONS WHY THE TIME IS RIGHT FOR CIRCULAR DIPLOMACY.

Circular Change