National Bioeconomy HUB of Slovenia Showcases Circular Bioeconomy at TBMCE Conference


The National Bioeconomy HUB of Slovenia, a collaborative initiative stemming from three key projects—BOOST4BIOEAST, CEE2ACT, and BIOLOC—proudly participated in the TBMCE Conference. Circular Change, acting as the national coordinator of the BOOST4BIOeAST project, played a vital role in the HUB’s efforts. The HUB presented its core goals, initiatives, and next steps to an international audience, highlightingSlovenia’s commitment to advancing a circular bioeconomy. This participation was made possible with the support of SRIP Krožno Gospodarstvo.

The presentation, held at Hotel Bernardin in Portorož on Thursday, September 5, was delivered by Marco Segovia Bifarini from Circular Change, in collaboration with Miha Škrokov from Anteja. Together, they showcased the HUB's initiatives and vision for Slovenia's circular bioeconomy transition.

Additionally, the HUB engaged in a participative exercise with stakeholders, creating an opportunity to gather insights and perspectives on Slovenia’s shift to a circular bioeconomy. The interactive session allowed stakeholders from various sectors to share their views, providing valuable input to the HUB’s ongoing strategy for sustainable development.

The TBMCE Conference served as a vital platform for presenting Slovenia’s circular bioeconomy ambitions and fostering international collaboration.

Join our HUB next event “Krožno biogospodarstvo: Razcvet ali zaton krožnih investicij?” - 26.9 in Centre Rog, Ljubljana CLICK HERE

Circular Change