4 Levels - 4 Perspectives of Adriatic Clean City Forum 2017


1st open European business forum and exhibition ADRIATIC CLEAN CITY FORUM 2017 is dedicated to the circular economy and environmental development of the municipal economy for Ljubljana, Slovenia, the neighboring cities and countries of the Adriatic region, with participation of Russia and CIS countries. It will take place in Ljubljana on 27-28 September 2017.


The Forum is organized in collaboration with LJUBLJANA FORUM – an annual gathering that combines knowledge and experience of city governance, defines key areas, visions and strategies of the future development of cities.

Regional partners of ADRIATIC CLEAN CITY FORUM 2017 are Circular Change platform and SISWA – Slovenian International Solid Waste Assisiation.

Aim of the forum is to CO-CREATE 5 definite circular economy activities that we can implement in 1 year. To identify them, the programme will lead speakers and guests through 4 levels or perspectives of transition to circular economy:

GLOBAL LEVEL: In order to enable future generations to live in the best possible conditions, human activities on the planet must take existing limits into consideration. “Keeping resources in the production and consumption cycle as long as possible is not only the best way to address environmental pressures and climate change, but also the most powerful way to strengthen European global competitiveness” – Dr. Janez Potočnik, Former Commissioner for the Environment for the European Commission and Co-chair, UNEP International Resource Panel, describing the potential of circular economy, new economic model.

CITY LEVEL: Ljubljana as a Green capital of Europe, other North and Central EU capitals and cities, have developed their systems of waste management and have already achieved a great success. Now we need to find the role of each CITY in the transition towards CIRCULAR ECONOMY. Mayors, city managers and company’s top-experts from Ljubljana, Vienna, Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Budapest, Skopje, Cetinje, Moscow and other cities will exchange their experiences and propose concrete solutions going beyond waste management, addressing systemic circular change.

COMPANY LEVEL: In this top-level forum we will also discuss examples and best practices and organize B2B sessions in the field of the main topic of the forum: waste management and recycling, clean water, green energy and smart systems for companies – leaders from Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Hungary, as well as from Austria, Italy, Scandinavia, Russia and other ECO growing countries will contribute to this circular business brainstorming.

SOCIETY LEVEL: together with official and professional authorities CITIZENS need to be 100% involved in systematic changes enabling implementation of circular economy. The idea of the forum is to create and manage national ecological touristic festival ADRIATIC CIRCULAR CHANGE FESTIVAL for Slovenia and other interested countries in April / May 2018 in Ljubljana.

Tin and Iza