Black Bear Debuts World's First Cradle to Cradle™ Certified Carbon Black


The company from Nederweert managed to successfully upcycle materials from car tires into environmentally friendly carbon black that can be used for various purposes, such as car and bike tires, handlebars, wheelchairs, etc. They managed to decrease the content of harmful substances, called PAH’s (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), found in car tires and the final result is, as the CEO of Black Bear Michale Braungart explains: “The Black Bear Carbon upcycled product is a game-changer in the field of carbon black. It is “upcycled” because the output material is of higher quality than the input material”.
Black Bear’s achievements opened the doors to the The Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Products Program, an independent, third-party verified certification program that certifies products and materials that are developed to respect human and environmental health, designed for future use cycles, and that utilize clean energy and water throughout the supply chain.
Even before their revolutionary new product became accredited, Black Bear has made a name for themselves by becoming the finalists for the People’s Choice Awards at the circular economy award programme the Circulars 2017. Circular Change became familiar with their work at the conference in Davos and has since then been a keen supporter of their ground breaking projects.

Circular Change