Water is Our Shared Responsibility


Circular Change is a supporter of the International Bled Water Festival 2017

Smart management of water resources is a key part of the circular economy of the future. Slovenia has an abundance of water bodies and is famous for the quality of its drinking water. However, it cannot avoid facing the challenges of the new century, such as unsustainable usage of water, protecting natural heritage and optimizing the supply of drinking water by using digital technologies.


Ladeja Godina Košir represented Circular Change, a supporter of the International Bled Water Festival taking place on the June 15, 2017 as one of the participants of the round table, titled “Responsible towards water”. Speakers, coming from Austria, Croatia and Slovenia presented exciting new initiatives and best practices for preserving and maintaining water bodies, for example, preserving biodiversity, reducing the use of plastic bottles, collecting and analysing big data. Availability of water for all citizens is also a challenge of the future and public utilities in the region. Overuse of water is another problem that will need to be solves, agreed the participants and as Ladeja said “we need to use less and do more with what we have”. Circular economy can offer a systemic approach to managing water sources and offer new innovative approaches for preserving rivers and lakes. This is why Circular Change will continue supporting initiatives that can improve the quality of our water.

Circular Change