Circular Change has been Selected to the Coordination Group of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform


Circular Change’s mission has always been to transcend borders and advocate for a circular economy the European level. We are now one-step closer to our goal with Director and Founder Ladeja Godina Košir being appointed to represent Circular Change in the newly established coordination group of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP). Only 24 representatives from Europe were invited to join the coordination group that features representatives of business, trade unions, civil society, think tanks and public bodies.The ECESP aims to accelerate the transition from a linear ‘take, make and waste’ economic model to the circular economy in EU countries. As part of this, the aim of the platform is to strengthen stakeholder cooperation and identify the social, economic and cultural barriers, which currently hinder the development of a circular economy. The ECESP aims to achieve its goals by sharing best practices, helping companies to become circular disruptors, highlighting circular economy policies and working with authorities on the local level. The three pillars of ECESP’s activities are Policy dialogue (Pillar I), bringing together circular economy-related stakeholders, such as networks, platform, universities, business organizations (Pillar 2) and running a website for dissemination of circular economy-related content (Pillar 3).
We are looking forward to promoting Slovenian circular economy champions in Brussels!

Tin and Iza