Eurocities 2017 in Ljubljana


Last week Ljubljana hosted the conference called Eurocities 2017. We are proud that we were a partner of the conference and we presented our platform with a simple stand, which was visited by the mayor of Ljubljana, Zoran Jankovič and dr. Janez Potočnik. Both of them also voted for “how circular is your city”. Our mission was to find out, which circular theme is the best in cities around the world.


We found out that the best theme in the cities in a circular way is water. Right after water comes mobility and we have to absolutely work more on food waste and packaging in cases where food is packed.

Ladeja Godina Košir had a presentation about Circular Economy as a part of the Eurocities roundtable. And Niko Korpar had a coffee with one lucky guest, discussing the circular world today.

Tin and Iza