Creative & Circular - Design Competition by Circular Change and Museum of Architecture and Design


Circular Change in cooperation with the Center for Creativity and the Museum of Architecture and Design, invites all creatives who work with circularity in mind – designers, architects, handcrafers, fashion designers and others to apply to the design competition Creative&Circular.

We have started our campaign to promote the need for collaboration between the cultural and creative sector and circular companies at the 3rd Circular Change Conference in May 2018. Since then we have been raising the issue with businessmen, policymakers, from Ljubljana to Brussels.

Circular design skills are key for creating more sustainable products, using new (bio) materials, enabling circular business models and rediscovering value in discarded products. The transition to circular economy therefore depends on strengthening the ties between creatives and the (circular) business world.

To move from talking to action we are now launching Creative&Circular together with the Center for Creativity, an institution which enables and supports the cultural and creative sector in Slovenia,

The call consists of a public tender for creatives who are invited to present their circular projects. An international jury will invite the highest rated applicants to join a programme designed to deepen their business and communication skills, exhibit their designs and present their cases at the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform Conference, March 6-7 2019. 

We cannot wait to discover new talents and promote Slovenian creatives accros Europe!

To apply, follow the link (IN SLOVENIAN)

The deadline is February 25th. 

This project is a part of a partnership network Platform Center for Creativity co-financed by European Union from European Regional Development Fund and by Republic of Slovenia.

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