Creative & Circular – We have our winners!


The project Creative & Circular, organised by Circular Change in cooperation with the Centre for creativity and the Museum of Architecture and Design aims to connect the creative and cultural sector with circular economy. Of the 21 project applications that arrived, each one was unique and inspirational in its own way, proving that there is much to be excited about brewing in Slovenia’s design studios, creative bureaus and universities.

The international jury had a tough decision to make: to choose three projects that would get the chance to present their work at the ECESP Annual Conference 2019 on March 7th, where the workshop Creativity and Innovation for the Circular Economy will be hosted by Circular Change.

We are delighted to announce the winners of the call:

Floios Jewelry by Tina Košak Koren: unique jewelry inspired by nature and made from silver, recycled from discarded electronic equipment, which manages to create a new emotional bond with a material, previously used in products, for which we care little after their lifespan ends


Paper + bioplastics by Eva Garibaldi: what if children could become the creators of new materials? This project introduces a mixture of paper and degradable bioplastics which can be used by children to create new items and experiment, thereby fostering creativity, exploration and teaching about the value of sustainable materials with a unique “cookbook”

Chair Collodi by Andraž Šapec, produced by Donar d.o.o.: A wholesome and fully thought out product made using locally sourced recycled resources, easily assembled and repaired, functional and aesthetically pleasing while also easily disassembled and recycled – a truly circular chair

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As the next step of the project, Ladeja Godina Košir will host a workshop, followed by the presentations in Brussels. In April, an exhibition will be organised at the Museum of Architecture and Design featuring a panel discussion on the topic of creativity and circular economy.

We would like to sincerely thank all who applied and congratulate the winners!

This project is a part of a partnership network Platform Center for Creativity co-financed by European Union from European Regional Development Fund and by Republic of Slovenia.

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Circular Change