"Everything We Get from Fossil Fuels, We Could Also Get from a Tree."


Workshop on guidance on cascading use of woody biomass by the European Commission

Niko Korpar presented CC’s work and activities related to linking bioeconomy and circular economy at the Workshop on Non-binding guidance on cascading use of woody biomass in Brussels, 13th of April. The workshop, organised by DG Growth joined together representatives from the wood industry, public institutions, researchers and NGO’s to discuss what recommendations should be given to the Commission for upcoming legislation on bioeconomy that is part of the Circular Economy Action Plan for Europe. 

Woody biomass as a key resource in several European countries that are also the leaders in developing circular bioecomomy projects, such as Finland, Norway, Sweden. Several cutting edge companies, such as Borregard, the world leader in producing lignin, were introduced, followed by interactive sessions and discussions on the future of the paper and pulp industry, biorefineries and regional systems for handlinh wood waste. 

The issue is especially interesting for our home country, which also produces large amounts of woody biomass. Both SRIP’s – Circular Economy Action Plan and the upcoming Roadmap: towards the Circular Economy in Slovenia feature sections on wood and recommend the further development of technologies and processes to create innovative new materials, new value chains and new products from wood-based compounds. 

The attendees concluded the workshop by stressing out 1) the importance of the systemic approach to cascading use 2) that every partner in the value chain plays a key role 3) collaboration is key for success 4) that the wood sector has a wonderful story to tell and should focus on informing the public about the benefits of wood-based value chains.