From Linear to Circular Economy


In Croatian leading daily newspaper “Jutranji list” an interview with Ladeja Godina Košir, founder and executive director of Circular Change, has been published in September 2018. She presented the concept of circular economy and some of the international activities in which Circular Change is engaged. She also emphasized the importance of the shift of the focus from financial to human and natural capital in the transition from linear to circular economy.

As the regional leader of circular transformation in the Adriatic Region, Circular Change has this time joined forces with Business Sailing Experience Agency. Unique sailing event – Circular Change Cup 2018 – will combine a sailing team building with an engaging industry congress and expo. At the same time and place two other industry cups are organised. For the price of 1 you get full access to the programs of 3 events:

During the three days spent on the beautiful Croatian coast, attendees will get an insight into emerging global trends, disruptive circular business models and mindful leadership so much needed to lead the circular transition. Unique opportunity to meet internationally recognised speakers and “doers”, ready to exchange the ideas with you! Among the prominent speakers the circular experiences will also share Christiaan Kraaijenhagen (co-author of the book Circular Business Collaborate and Circulate) and Harry Van Dorenmalen (former president of the IBM).

Please find more info about the program and the Circular Change Cup conference here: