Save the Date: Launch Event of Circular Economy Platform Austria

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The first Austrian CE platform is launching on March 21, 2018, in Vienna with a conference titled “Austria on the way to a circular economy: opportunities, challenges, strategies, and actors”. Ladeja Godina Košir will represent Circular Change as a keynote speaker together with Harald Frield of Circle Economy and Artur ten Wolde, who also gave a speech at the 2. Circular Change Conference in 2017, as well as representatives of other partners of CC, such as SITRA and Zero Waste Scottland. We believe that a strong model of regional cooperation can arise from CC and the new Austrian platform working together and sharing valuable experience.

„Plattform Kreislaufwirtschaft Österreich“ is a result of collaboration between the association Umweltdachverband, the European Environmental Bureau in Brussels and organizations RepaNet and VABÖ. Their goal is to build a multi-stakeholder platform to act as a think-tank, incubator and cataliyst of circular economy solutions, projects and initiatives that will accelerate the transition to a circular economy in the neighbouring Austria.