Circular Economy Hotspot’s next stop is Glasgow! Between 30 October and 1 November you can experience circular economy in practice – visit pioneering Scottish businesses and find out how your business can become more competitive in a changing word. Meet some outstanding names in circular economy policy and innovation. Join the Slovenian delegation and connect with local businesses and international circular economy frontrunners. Test your own circular ideas!

Among speakers: Vic Emery, Chair of the Board, Zero Waste Scotland, Dr Leyla Acaroglu, Founder, Disrupt Design & UnSchool The Economics of a Circular World, Gary Gillespie, Chief Economic Advisor, Scottish Government,  Dr Katherine Trebeck, Research Director, the Wellbeing Alliance, Dr Janez Potočnik, Co-Chair of UN International Resource Panel and Former European Commissioner for Environment and President of the Circular Change Council. 

Choose your area of interest and visit: Bio economy, Manufacturing, Circular Economy & Society, Construction or Plastic.

At the last edition of the Circular Economy Hotspot in June, that took place in Holland, Circular Change has become a member of the International Network of Circular Economy Hotspots, next to the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway and Scotland. This agreement is helping accelerating the change from linear to circular economy at local and international level.

We are kindly inviting you to join the Slovenian ‘’circular delegation’’ and discover circular opportunities. The visit is supported by the British Chamber of Commerce and the British Embassy in Ljubljana. Furthermore, Circular Change has prepared, in collaboration with the STA travel agency, special offers for potential participants, including the complete organization, registration fee with discount (250€ instead of 440€), transport and accommodation.

Please find attached the info package with the program and arrangement prices. For more information and registration go to or send an email to