Membership in Coordination Group, European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform
Place: Brussels, Belgium
Start: November 2017
Role: Circular Change, represented by Director Ladeja Godina Košir is one of the 24 members of ECESP’s coordination group, which provides inputs for policy-makers in the European Commission, represents the voice of various circular economy networks and disseminates best practices and new developments via events and digital channels.
Since November 2018, Ladeja Godina Košir serves as the elected chair of ECESP. Her yearly agenda includes promoting the role of creative industries and design, strengthening communication between ECESP, EESC and EC, and streamlining ECESP’s activities.
The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform brings together stakeholders active in the broad field of the circular economy in Europe.
As a "network of networks" it goes beyond sectorial activities and highlights cross-sector opportunities and challenges, providing a meeting place for stakeholders to share their solutions and team up to address specific challenges, while bridging existing initiatives, and advocating the circular economy at national, regional and local level, and supporting its implementation.
This website will be pivotal in fostering exchanges and interaction and inspire the future EU vision on circular economy. It is work in progress and will evolve over time.
Key documents:
Platform Aim and Structure (valid for an initial duration of three years)
Coordination Group - Terms of reference
Activity Report 2018
The EESC runs the Platform's day-to-day activities.
Contact the Platform's Secretariat
Coordination Group:
Find here the list of Members of the Coordination Group
For the European economy to become truly circular, all stakeholders need to get involved: public authorities, businesses, trade unions, civil society and many more.
This is why this stakeholder platform was born. To accelerate the transition towards a circular economy, the Commission included in its 2015 EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy actions to: engage with stakeholders through existing fora support the exchange of good practices. To speed up the process of making the circular economy a reality, the EESC called for the creation of a European circular economy platform.
The Council of the European Union, the European Parliament and the European Committee of the Regions also underlined the importance of involving actors from various sectors for an inclusive transition. Kickstarter: the Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference, 9 & 10 March 2017 The EESC and the Commission officially launched the Platform during the Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference, turning to participants to define the Platform's goals and how these should be achieved. On this basis, the Platform will hold an annual two-day conference that is bound to become a major EU inter-institutional event for stakeholder engagement on the circular economy.