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ECOMONDO 2022: From Sustainability to Circularity - Codesign and open innovation in the packaging value web


Organized by: Ecomondo Scientific Technical Committee & Osservatorio Innovazione Packaging - Advanced Design Unit del Dipartimento di Architettura– Università di Bologna

The circular design of resources involves redesigning the relationships within the supply chain and thinking in system terms. The Packaging System has undergone profound shake-ups and transformations in recent years, and circularity is no longer just a possibility, but a real strategy to enable the sector to feed itself, people to benefit from consumer products, and the planet to sustain us.

In this meeting, the Packaging Innovation Observatory (Osservatorio Innovazione Packaging) - a transversal competence centre that aims to connect actors and disciplines in the sector, to aggregate and rework knowledge, to trigger innovation - investigates with witnesses and case studies the strategic importance, in view of circularity, of collaboration (enabled by co-design) and open innovation.

Shared and porous participation is necessary, in fact, especially in projects aimed at circularity and sustainability, where the active role of the consumer and co-participation between responsible actors from different areas (political, economic, social, environmental) are essential for the success of the projects, and to face common challenges and high objectives, overcoming the logic of market competition.

In fact, project collaboration is a tool that fosters communication processes between the main actors of the Value Web (Bouwman & Janssen, 2010) - a supply chain that is no longer linear but interconnected - allowing lines of responsible innovation in the packaging system to be defined and collective steps to be taken to address current challenges.

It is also increasingly evident that "innovation thrives in an open environment, where interaction with various stakeholders is seen as a resource of competitive advantage", and not as a limitation (Blok & Lemmens, 2015).

In this context of responsible innovation, through a systemic supply chain approach and collaboration between actors, sustainability outcomes are achieved - despite the difficulties - that have a greater impact than they would as individual actors.

Session Chairs: Flaviano Celaschi, Packaging Innovation Observatory - Advanced Design Unit, Department of Architecture - University of Bologna
Clara Giardina, Advanced Design Unit, Department of Architecture - University of Bologna


14.30-15.00 Designing a circular transition by co-creating with small and large companies, government agencies, cities, non-profit organisations, researchers, creatives and media
Ladeja Godina Košir, Founder and Executive Director Circular Change, Co-chair CG ECESP

15.00-16.15 Open and participatory innovation in the supply chain: from food & beverage to flexible packaging, how important collaboration is Federica Brumen Sustainability, ecodesign, relations with companies, R&D – Comieco
Alberto Palaveri, President – Giflex
Franco Fassio, Associate Professor in Industrial Design - Università degli studi di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo

16.15-17.30 Towards circularity: Italian best practices 
Valentina Folli, Art Director - Icma Sartorial paper: Rinascimento, A virtuous cycle to create high-end papers
Laura Taraborrelli, Sales Manager - ALISPED: circular logistics in fashion sector
Alessandra Fazio, President - Istituto Italiano Imballaggio: promoting collaboration, ethics and circularity

17.30-18.00 Questions and Answers

18.00 Session Chairs’ conclusions

Find more at the event website.