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ECOMONDO 2022 Beacon conference: Participatory circular economy initiatives in Europe and Italy.


Ecomondo, the Green Technology Expo, traditionally covers all sectors of the circular economy on one platform. Organized by Technical Scientific Committee of Ecomondo, ENEA and ICESP the BEACON CONFERENCE on Participatory circular economy initiatives in Europe and Italy will take place on November 9, 2022.

The theme of resilience is even more relevant due to the recent crises, both the pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine. Ensuring the security of resources supply, that also lead to financial stability for businesses and families, become as important as urgent, in order to guarantee sustainable growth and citizens well-being through innovation, eco-design, skills complementarity and expertise. In this sense, the actions envisaged in the European Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP, March 2020) are the reference for the initiatives and strategies of the member Countries. All actors are called to build a new economic model that requires integrated governance, research and innovation with a multidisciplinary approach, investments and incentives, procedural simplifications, market creation and cultural change. Important elements of the circular economy (CE) are the participation and collaboration between actors that can be engaged through networks and hubs, creating knowledge, dialogue, awareness and trust. Furthermore, it is essential to collect and disseminate good practices in order to foster winning solutions along the supply chains and in the cities/territories.

The multidisciplinary approach and the dissemination of good practices (GPs) can be the driving force and inspiration for the activation of transition paths to CE and ICESP implements the Italian GPs database (about 200 GPs), available on The GPs related both to supply chain and territorial approach, are reviewed by a specific committee and then published on ICESP web site and, in parallel, sent to ECESP. GPs are selected according to the following criteria: degree of innovation, replicability, maturity, quantification of impacts. The conference will be an opportunity to explore current activities and ICESP GPs, in line with Italian and European initiatives, highlighting the perspectives for supporting the transition in a systemic view.

Session chairs: Roberto Morabito – Director of the Department for Sustainability, ENEA, TBC - Organization representing the ICESP Coordinators Committee


14:30 Introduction by the chairs: Initiatives in Europe

14:50 European Circular Economy Action Plan progress: Paola Migliorini - European Commission, DG Environment for Sustainable Production, Products and Consumption Unit

15:10 ECESP and the Leadership group on Network Governance: Ladeja G. Košir, MSc, - Co-Chair of the Coordination Group of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP)

15:30 Circular Economy national strategy: Silvia Grandi - Directorate General for Circular Economy, MITE

15:50 The circular transition of value chains: Giacomo Vigna - Directorate General for Industrial Policy, Innovation and Small and Medium- Sized Enterprises, MISE

16:10 Role of technical standardization for the circular transition: Elena Mocchio - Innovation Division, UNI

16:30 ICESP in the Italian circular economy context: Grazia Barberio, ENEA and ICESP technical coordinator

16:50 Multidisciplinary approach and ICESP good practices

17:10 - 17:30 Discussion and closure

Find out more about the rich ECOMONDO program at the website.