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Working Group on Industrial development meeting on “Green and Circular Economy value chains” and Regional Workshop on Green and Circular Economy value chains


Meeting of the Working Group on Industrial development on “Green and Circular Economy value chains” is to take place in Tirana on 15 November 2022, to be followed by a Regional Workshop on Green and Circular Economy (live and online).

Working group is to discuss the CRM Action Plan’s Regional Industrial Area / green and circular economy value chains. In line with the regional actions foreseen under green and circular economy value chains to establish a Regional Green and Circular Economy Stakeholders Platform and a Regional Green Start-up Network, Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) has commissioned a mapping of green and circular economy stakeholders and a survey research on the overall situation of green and circular economy in the Western Balkans (obstacles, needs etc.). The meeting will focus on presenting and discussing the preliminary findings of the survey, European best practices in the area, a gap analysis between best practices and the situation in the Western Balkans and the way forward.  

The afternoon session, the “Regional Stakeholders Workshop on Green and Circular Economy” will bring together various regional stakeholders – government institutions, private sector and other relevant stakeholders – and it will focus on presenting the stakeholder mapping and survey results on green and circular economy value chains, commissioned by RCC; discussing and sharing experiences on establishing regional platforms for stakeholders and Start-ups Network in green and circular economy.

More info about the event are available here.