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V International Circular Economy Forum Peru (FIEC): Building the Ecosystem for a Circular Economy


The International Circular Economy Forum (FIEC) is the largest annual Circular Economy (CE) event in Peru, whose purpose is to inspire, energize and articulate the public and private sectors, academia and civil society in the promotion and action for a just transition with a territorial approach towards a circular economy in Peru and the region.

The FIEC has been organized, since 2018, by the Ministry of Environment of Peru and the European Union in Peru, the Ministry of Production, the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism. Collaboration is one of the essential pillars for the design, planning and execution of the FIEC.

Central event aimed at a broad national and international audience, which will be on September 13, 14 and 15, 2022 and will address issues of common interest with the purpose of inspiring, energizing, and articulating the various agents of the economic system in the drive towards a CE. It also offers opportunities for collaboration.

Plenary session Circular ecosystem: weaving collaboration networks will open with the insipiring keynote speech by Mrs. Ladeja Godina Košir on the key role of collaboration between the different stakeholders in circular transition with the examples of multistakeholder platforms including the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP), different approaches in stakeholder enagagement in the national roadmap process for CE transition and the insights into global CE roadmap initiative by the Chatham House. 

Aiming to inspire relevant actors in Peru to form a multi-stakeholder platform to accelerate the transition of the country towards a circular economy, the concept of systemic approach to the circular economy (model by Systemiq) and the role of network governance (by Prof. Jacqueline Cramer) will be introduced.

Find the preliminary program here and register for the event here.