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3rd International Conference on Sustainability in Croatia: Let's support sustainable


The central theme of this year's conference "Let's support sustainable" organized by the Croatian Chamber of Commerce (HGK) is the challenges of sustainable business in crisis, but also the opportunities arising from the implementation of sustainable business policies such as:

  • managing opportunities and doing business with a purpose

  • circular planning - business models according to the principles of circular economy

  • directing business towards zero emissions and sustainable investment

The conference is a continuation of the successful cycle of previous meetings on the topic of sustainability, which became the central event of its kind in Croatia, gathering participants from all sectors and industries. Given the changed geopolitical and economic circumstances in 2022, the topic of sustainable business for a more resilient and secure future has become more relevant than ever before.

This year, the Croatian Chamber of Commerce is preparing a significantly more extensive and high-quality program that will feature lectures by some of the world's most famous experts in this field, including: Daria (Dasha) Krivonos, Executive Director of the Institute for Future Studies in Copenhagen, Denmark; Marc Buckley, Ecological economist, regenerative futurist, UN advisor and Resilience Lab hub within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, World Economic Forum expert; Ladeja Godina Košir, the founder and executive director of Circular Change and co-chair of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP) in Brussels.

Learn more about the conference and the program at the website.