On the 30th of August 2018 the Circular Change held an annual Council meeting with its members: Janez Potočnik (president of the CC Council), Guido Braam, Josephine Green, Edi Kraus and Tadej Slapnik. Council members discussed the achievements, milestones and activities of the past year and set the goals for the next period 2018/2019.

Short overview of the achievements and key milestones of CC:

  • Published the CE Roadmap for Slovenia

  • 2nd and 3rd CC Conference

  • Joined ECESP coordination group

  • Ladeja Košir Godina named Finalist at The Circulars 2018

  • Becoming communication leader for project EFFECTIVE (H2020)

  • Project with Iskra (Planet Care)

  • Circular Triangle – „in-house“ knowledge

  • Ladeja Košir Godina member of BCSS – Bertalanffy Center for the Study of System Science

  • Speaking opportunities in Europe and wider

  • Increased visibility for CE in Slovenia and internationally

Conclusions of the meeting:

  • Fruitful discussion with many new aspects – CC is evolving in the right direction, the impact is visible in Slovenia and internationally – strong relation with the Netherlands to be nourished, Italy to be explored better

  • Positioning – CC as the first reference point for circular economy in Slovenia (and in the CEE region) – establishing the CE HUB for WEF PACE Program

  • Recognized new opportunities and challenges – “go with the flow”, inform and connect internationally

  • Stakeholder mapping, engaging, facilitating, connecting, communicating – that are key competences of CC recognized globally

  • Circular Triangle – evolve the concept (social and cultural aspect of circular change in the focus), interconnectivity & system approach – bridging circular economy, creative industries and block chain technologies

  • 4th CC Conference – proposed the date 16 – 17 May 2019 (location to be defined)

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