CC contributes to study "Pathways towards a German Circular Economy. Lessons from European Strategies” : Available now


The preliminary study with the title „Pathways towards a German Circular Economy. Lessons from European Strategies” analyses and discusses key conditions for a successful implementation of a Circular Economy in Germany. It builds on the experience gained by European countries which have already started their transition towards a Circular Economy by developing roadmaps or similar Circular Economy strategies. The lessons learned and best practices established by these countries were investigated and evaluated for their applicability to a German context.

Published together with the launch of the Circular Economy Initiative Deutschland by acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering in cooperation with SYSTEMIQ, the study also draws from the Slovenian experience. Circular Change has provided inputs and feedback, thus making the Roadmap Towards the Circular Economy in Slovenia one of the examples for the upcoming German national circular economy strategy.

This preliminary study provides a comprehensive basis for the discussions and analyses planned for the Circular Economy Initiative Deutschland.

The study is now available online in German and English.

Circular Change