CIRKULARNA EKONOMIJA – promena je počela. CIRCULAR ECONOMY - change has begun.
On Thursday, March 25, 2021, the Center for Economic Research of the Institute of Social Sciences in Belgrade, Serbia organized an online panel "CIRCULAR ECONOMY - change has begun." with the aim to develop dialogue and improve the cooperation of all stakeholders (public administration, economy, scientific community, civil sector) in the transition from a linear to a circular economy.
Ladeja G. Košir addressed How to keep our quality of life? through the lens of circular economy. The necessary transition will not be possible without innovation, collaboration – across the stakeholders, industries, and regions, and without systemic approach and change.
Some of the questions raised at the panel were: What measures does the state plan to support the circular economy? Strategic documents and investments support? Where do businesses see opportunities for the development of the circular economy in Serbia? What scientific cooperation projects can we develop and how to use the experiences of advanced countries? What are the obstacles to changing the business model and how to overcome them? What changes are needed on the consumption side? Citizens as consumers and the state as a buyer - what changes are necessary to ensure the sustainability of the circular economy in Serbia?
Video recording will be available soon.
A thought from Aleksandra Vučinić from the Ministry of Environmental Protection, on the subject of residual waste - 1500t of waste, including bio, plastics, paper, collected in Belgrade alone in a day – Are we really so rich to throw away all these materials?
These are all valuable resources in circular economy.