Circular Change Lecture at the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna


As a testament to our hard work in the past months, Director Ladeja was invited to give a lecture at the postgraduate programme Sustainability & Responsible Management at the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna. The content of the lecture will cover the circular economy as a concept and means to a systemic transformation and will be focused on “circular culture” – our “favorite” part of the Circular Triangle, which we introduced in the Roadmap towards the Circular Economy in Slovenia. Students will be able to hear our own experiences in building new narratives, new collaborations, encouraging creativity, innovation and stakeholder engagement. The Roadmap will also be introduced as will the multi-stakeholder engagement process that we followed through while preparing the Roadmap. This process of engagement is also the founding principle of the Circular Change platform.

Our partner and speaker at the 2nd CC Conference Mag. Karin Huber Heim is the main lecturer of the course and one of the utmost experts in CSR and ethical approaches to business in Austria.