A Call for Circular Professionals: Join the European Circular Economy Mission to Indonesia


Our friends at Holland Circular Hotspot have shared an exciting opportunity for all circular economy professionals with us: members of CE organisations, companies, institution and government representatives can join the European Circular Economy Mission to Indonesia and Japan. While there are no more open spaces for the trip to Japan, which will coincide with the World Circular Economy Forum, organised by SITRA in Kyoto, there are still open places to travel to Jakarta to:

  1. To promote a circular economy, sustainable and inclusive innovation and growth in the European Union, Japan and Indonesia,
    2. To help EU green business and in particular SMEs to operate internationally by exploiting green business opportunities in the European Union, Japan and Indonesia,
    3. To promote green business partnerships in targeted sectors by participating in matchmaking events with local entrepreneurs.

The following focal areas for the mission are:

– Waste,
– Plastics (including marine litter),
– Chemicals.

Holland Circular Hotspot will organise two workshops in Jakarta, one around plastics and marine litter and another one related to the transition from waste management to CE in Indonesian context.

Although registration for Japan is closed, there are still some places for the meetings organised in Jakarta.
If you wish to participate, please confirm by Friday 31st August 2018 and register at:

For more information, see the attached programme and invitation from EU Commissioner for the Environment, Karmenu Vella.

Working Programme for JAPAN INDONESIA REVISED_9