Dr Leyla Acaroglu Confirmed as Keynote Speaker for Circular Economy Hotspot Scotland


Circular Economy Hotspot is moving north! The last edition that took place in Holland was remarkable for Circular Change – a member of the new International Network of Circular Economy Hotspots.

The next instalment of one of the world’s most prestigious sustainable business events will take place from 30 October to 1 November 2018 in Glasgow.

International sustainability expert, Dr Leyla Acaroglu, will join circular economy experts from across the globe, along with Scottish business leaders and innovators, to give the keynote speech. 

Dr Leyla Acaroglu, sustainability ‘provocateur’ and United Nations Champion of the Earth 2016, will be joined at the event by Gary Gillespie, the Scottish Government’s Chief Economic Advisor and Dr Katherine Trebeck, Research Director of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance, with more speakers to be announced in the coming weeks.

Internationally recognised leader in disruptive design, Dr Acaroglu, will explore key aspects of design and a circular economy. Her 2013 mainstage TED Talks is one of the most watched TED talks on sustainability and she promises to share ideas of how to create a more sustainable and regenerative world.


Dr Acaroglu said:

“For the last decade, I have focused my career on figuring out how to use design as a catalyst for positive social and environmental change — it’s been a constantly-evolving journey, involving many knowledge quests and fascinating experiments into how to make change in the world. Changing our approach to design is key to making the transition towards a circular economy.

“I am delighted to be taking to the stage at the Circular Economy Hotspot Scotland in Glasgow to share my three-stage disruptive design method to an audience of international business delegates and circular economy practitioners. It’s a fantastic opportunity to highlight the sustainable opportunities that disruptive design and creative intelligence can present. I am excited at the prospect as Scotland is well-known for its pioneering approach to developing a circular economy, so it will be great to see what’s happening there during the event.

Scottland, a proud circular frontrunner

Circular Economy Hotspot Scotland’s unmissable programme will include visits to pioneering Scottish businesses and discussions led by some of the foremost names in circular economy policy and innovation. There will also be unique networking opportunities for delegates, with potential to foster new connections between local businesses as well as international connections within the circular economy landscape.

Scotland’s circular economy achievements to date include flourishing collaboration between business and academia through the Scottish Institute for Remanufacture; three large-scale re-use hubs transforming economies of scale in re-use and repair; and widespread support for Scottish businesses to develop circular economy models and services, including through the £18million Circular Economy Investment Fund, supported by the European Regional Development Fund.

Scotland and Circular Change at the Circular Awards in Davos 2018

Scotland was named one of the world’s top circular economy nations last year, receiving a global award at the Circulars Awards, during the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, for its work to make things last. At the very same event Ladeja Godina Košir, Founder of Circular Change, has been nominated as one of 6 finalists for the global Circular Leadership Award. Collaboration between Zero Waste Scotland and Circular Change resulted in the presentation of Iain Gulland at the Circular Change Conference in 2017, gaining the momentum in the International Circular Hotspot Partnership.

For more information contact: join@circularchange.com

To register go to www.circulareconomyhotspot.scot